eagle pictures

Autore Titolo Anno Etichetta nazione supporto condizioni prezzo raro
LYNCH, DAVID (FARNSWORTH / SPACEK / STANTON) una storia vera 2000 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray m/m €7.00
SCARCHILLI, GIANCARLO scrivilo sui muri 2007 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €5.00
SHANLEY, JOHN PATRICK (STREEP / HOFFMAN / ADAMS) il dubbio 2008 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
PECKINPAH, SAM (MASON / COBURN / SCHELL) la croce di ferro 1977 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
ALEXANDER, LEXI (WOOD / HUNNAM) hooligans 2005 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
SCOTT, TONY (KNIGHTLEY / ROURKE / RAMIREZ) domino (2dvd boxset) 2005 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
MARSHALL, ROB (ZIYI / OHGO / WATANABE) memorie di una geisha (2dvd set) 2005 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/ex €7.00
CRAVEN, WES (ENGLUND / SAXON / DEPP) nightmare - dal profondo della notte (special edition) (2dvd boxset) 1984 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
VAUGHN, MATTHEW (JOHNSON / MINTZ-PLASSE / STRONG) kick-ass (2dvd set) 2010 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
WOO, JOHN (CHIU-WAI / KANESHIRO / FENGYI) red cliff - la battaglia dei tre regni (2dvd set) 2008 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
GOYER, DAVID S. (SNIPES / KRISTOFFERSON / BIEL) blade: trinity - extended version (2dvd boxset) 2004 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
DAVIS, ANDREW (KOSTNER / KUTCHER) the guardian (2dvd set) 2006 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
McTIERNAN, JOHN (RENO / KLEIN / ROMIJN-STAMOS) rollerball (special edition) (2dvd boxset) 2002 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
NISPEL, MARCUS (BIEL / TUCKER / BALFOUR) non aprite quella porta - the texas chainsaw massacre (ltd.ed 2dvd boxset) 2003 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
YUZNA, BRIAN (FROST / BROOK / ROPE) faust (special edition) (2dvd set) 2000 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
GONDRY, MICHEL (CARREY / WINSLET / WOOD) eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - se mi lasci ti cancello (2dvd set) - 2004 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD m/m €8.00
WONG, JAMES (WINSTEAD / MERRYMAN / LEMCHE) final destination 3 (2dvd set) 2006 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD s/s €8.00
BELL, WILLIAM BRENT (COHAN / EVANS) the boy 2016 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
LUPO, MICHELE (SPENCER / CALA' / MILLER) bomber 1982 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €10.00
LUPO, MICHELE (SPENCER / HARMSTORF / BUGNER) lo chiamavano bulldozer 1978 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €10.00
PAPALEO, ROCCO (ALESSANDRO GASSMAN / MEZZOGIORNO / PAPALEO) basilicata coast to coast (2dvd set in embossed box) 2010 eagle pictures ita 2xDVD s/s €12.00
SHAINBERG, STEVEN (SPADER / GYLLENHAAL) secretary 2002 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
VAN DE REST, JOHN (HORA / MAERTENS / ANDRAE) cacciatore di anime 2000 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
DOORS, THE europe 1968 - new york 1969 2005 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €7.00
WADLOW, JEFF (MORRIS / BOOTH / BON JOVI) nickname: enigmista 2005 eagle pictures ita DVD s/s €5.00
MIHALKA, GEORGE (BERENGER / HAYWARD / RUNYAN) il guardiano 2001 eagle pictures ita DVD s/s €5.00
WILDING, GAVIN (SILVER / BALABAN / LACHEY) the wisher 2002 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €5.00
DONALDSON, ROGER (CAGE / JONES / PEARCE) seeking justice (embossed box) 2011 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray ex/m €8.00
GRUNBERG, ADRIAN (LUCAS / URREJOLA / CEDILLO) black demon 2023 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray m/m €8.00
DAVIS, MICHAEL (OWEN / GIAMATTI / BELLUCCI) shoot 'em up - spara o muori (box) 2007 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
SPIELBERG, STEVEN (RYLANCE / BARNHILL / WILTON) il ggg - il grande gigante gentile 2016 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray m/m €7.00
WOJTOWICZ-VOSLOO, AGNIESZKA after. life 2009 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €7.00
CARPENTER, JOHN (PLEASENCE / PARKER / WONG) il signore del male 1987 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €12.00
JOON-HO, BONG (KANG-HO / SUN-KYUN / YEO-YEONG) parasite 2019 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray m/m €8.00
McTEIGUE, JAMES (CUSACK / EVANS / EVE) the raven 2012 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €7.00
RUSSELL, KEN (JACKSON / JOHNS / GRACE) l'ultima salomè 1988 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €5.00
AVERY, JULIUS (CROWE / ZOVATTO / ESSOE) l'esorcista del papa 2023 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €10.00
CRONENBERG, DAVID (REED / EGGAR / HINDLE) brood - la covata malefica 1979 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €8.00
CRONENBERG, DAVID (WELLER / DAVIS / SANDS) il pasto nudo (box) 1991 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €7.00
COHEN, DANIEL (RENO / YOUN) chef - riderete di gusto 2012 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
FIENNES, MARTHA (CHAPLIN / CRUZ / FIENNES) chromophobia 2005 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €5.00
KRAVCHUK, ANDREJ (KOZLOVSKY / KHODCHENKOVA / SUKHANOV) viking 2016 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray m/m €8.00
HERNGREN, FELIX (GUSTAFFSON / WIKLANDER / WIBERG) il centenario che saltò dalla finestra e scomparve 2013 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €5.00
BURGER, NEIL (NORTON / GIAMATTI / BIEL) the illusionist - l'illusionista (embossed box) 2006 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €7.00
COSMATOS, PANOS (CAGE / RISEBOROUGH / ROACHE) mandy (+card) 2017 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €7.00
POWELL, NICHOLAS (CAGE / JANSSEN / DURAND) primal - istinto animale 2020 eagle pictures ita DVD m/ex €5.00
CRAVEN, WES (LANIER / HOUSTON / SPEER) le colline hanno gli occhi (+card) (tombstone collection) 1977 eagle pictures ita DVD m/m €7.00
PROYAS, ALEX (CAGE / BYRNE / CANTERBURY) segnali dal futuro (blu-ray +dvd set) 2009 eagle pictures ita Blu-Ray+DVD m/m €10.00